The Bloglist for 2009!
Because someone has to tie up the loose ends!

BitterAmerican + iPod + Jagermeister =
1 - Tegan and Sara - Hell
2 - She Wants Revenge - All Wound Up
3 - Gossip - Heavy Cross
4 - Metric - Satellite Mind
5 - Metric - Gold, Guns, Girls
6 - Silversun Pickups - Panic Switch
7 - Thermals - We Can See
8 - Kaiser Chiefs - Good Days Bad Days
9 - Kaiser Chiefs - Never Miss a Beat
10 - Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Heads Will Roll
11 - Florence and the Machine - Kiss With a Fist
12 - Franz Ferdinand - Lucid Dreams
Experts agree:
She's STILL Hot

AND she's STILL a skanky, poor substitute!

This is how child pr0n starts:

Are either of them old enough to drive???
Blogs Most Frequently Invaded by the BitterAmerican:
1 - AlexC's Pa WaterCooler
2 - AlexC's ThreeSources
3 - Bill Shaw's Writemarsh!
4 - BobC's Sweet Spirits of Ammonia
5 - Captain America's First In!
6 - Doug Gibb's Political Pistachio
7 - Katey's Kafe
8 - Lisa Mossie's Bluftooni9 - Mike Mancini's Arbiter of Common Sense
10 - Skye's Midnight Blue
11 - Tony Phyrillas' Eponyomous Blog
12 - Wyatt's Support Your Local Gunfighter
You Have Entered the Land of Broken Dreams and Shattered Hopes:
The USA from 01-20-2009 until 01-21-2013

The AFL is no more.
But,...The MLS is coming to Philly!

Where Have You Gone, Joe DiMaggio?
- Eugenia Angiolillo, "The BitterMother"
- Harry Kalas
- Soupy Sales
- Patrick McGoohan
- Walter Cronkite
- Farrah Fawcett
- David Carradine
- Billy Mays
- Patrick Swayze
- Ed McMahon
- Ricardo Montalban
- Dom Deluise
Things that aren't there anymore:
- That World Series Trophy
- Objective Journalism
- A decent pitching rotation
- The Philadelphia Phantoms
- The Spectrum
- A competitive hockey franchise
- Nancy Pelosi
- Tiger Woods' Harem
- The View's Baba Wawa, Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar
- Katie Couric
- Campbell Brown
- Rachel Madcow
- Tina Fey
- Janet Napolitano
- Harry Reid
- Rahm Emanuel
- Kanye West
- Chris Matthews
- The Obamessiah
- Fat Eddie Rendell
- John "Redneck" Murtha
- Tiger Woods
- Sen Arlen Specter
- Heroes:
If you have to ask why, you're in the wrong country, son!
Random Thoughts:
- Think of the fun knowing EVERY baseball broadcaster will have to say "National League Champion Phillies" for another WHOLE year!
- We have ANOTHER New YAWK team to hate for the next season.
- In the future, putting your money where your mouth is will be known as "J-Roll'ing it!"
- When did Philadelphia become the city that attracts every sports loser in America?
- The NFL will soon start calling long touchdowns "DeSean Jacksons!"
When the BitterAmerican rules the universe:- No Right Turn on Red will become mandatory. Violators will be fined $1,000. Obnoxious BMW, Mercedes, Infiniti, Land Rover and Infiniti operators will also have their vehicles impounded for 60 days, just for the hell of it.
- 35 mph will be the minimum speed on four-lane roads. No excuses.
- The responsibilities of local governments will be as followed: Safety (police, fire, EMS), sanitation, providing utilities, maintaining local roads, and zoning development. Everything else, including education and the feeding, housing and clothing of "the poor," shall be the responsibility of private enterprises and faith-based organizations.
Well,...365 days and just over 7500 hits later,....and still more to blog about in 2010! Oh, goodie! Obama gets to take the senseless,...I mean, census!
2010: The Year We Undo the Obamessiah's F-ups!