All Hail Emperor Rendell!
HT to GrassrootsPA for this unbelievable story:
Judge Rendell Endorses Dictatorship
Thomas Jefferson wrote, “The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground.”
The separation of powers is one of the checks and balances our founding fathers built into our system of government intended to protect our liberties.
James Madison wrote concerning the separation of powers, “An elective despotism was not the government we fought for; but one in which the powers of government should be so divided and balanced among the several bodies of magistracy as that no one could transcend their legal limits without being effectually checked and restrained by the others.”
On November 8, 2007 a panel discussion was held in Philadelphia by The National Association of Women Judges entitled, "Separation of Powers: What Does It Mean?” Governor Rendell’s wife, a federal judge and member of the panel, made a shocking statement that should have made headlines the following morning. Following her comments lamenting that there are issues that are not going to be resolved legislatively because they are so difficult, issues such as health care, immigration reform, social security and a national gun law, Judge Rendell stated, “Gee, a benevolent dictator would really be good right about now to, to put in health care and to put in some of these policies that we all want, but somehow the gridlock within the legislature makes it impossible.”
First, Mrs. Rendell should know that a “benevolent dictator” is an oxymoron. Dictators, tyrants, and despots use force to impose their will upon the people, a force that has murdered millions of human beings throughout history.
The arrogance of Mrs. Rendell’s comments expose the liberal core beliefs of her and her husband that have been evident through the actions of the tax, borrow and spend Rendell administration.
Elitists, like the Rendells, attempt to lead people to believe that only they themselves know what is best for “we the people.” When our representative government works by stopping tax increases, socialized medicine, gun control and amnesty for illegal aliens, the liberals cry “gridlock” because they are not getting their way.
All levels of government, local, state and federal, are subject to being controlled by liberals who think like the Rendells. Individuals, who raise their hand and swear to uphold and defend our constitution, while at the same time harboring disdain for the very government defined in our constitution and for the liberties declared in it, are not upholding their oath of office.
A quote that history has proven true is, “the price of liberty is eternal vigilance,” and 2008 will prove to be no different. I will continue the fight to defend our constitution and our liberties that it declares against all threats, both foreign and domestic.
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Labels: Liberals Suck, Pennsylvania Stuff