2011 - The Year We Take Back Congress and Make Obama's Life Hell!

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Massive HT (Helmet Tip?) to Captain America at First In! for breaking this story since, as you read his commentary, nobody from the MSM bothered:

Report: Feds Raid Al Sharpton Offices, Subpoena Financial Records, Employees

NEW YORK — Federal authorities have subpoenaed financial records and employees in an apparent probe of the Rev. Al Sharpton's 2004 presidential bid, nonprofit civil rights group, and for-profit businesses, a newspaper reported Thursday.

As many as 10 Sharpton associates were subpoenaed Wednesday to testify before a federal grand jury in Brooklyn Dec. 26, his lawyer told the Daily News.

They were told to provide investigators with financial records from the campaign and roughly six Sharpton-related businesses, as well as personal financial documents of Sharpton and his wife, the newspaper said.

The FBI and Internal Revenue Service are seeking the records, which go back to 2001, according to the Daily News. LINK

You would think when one of the country's most prominent Civil Rights muckity-mucks gets raided by the IRS it would be a big story. At least worth mentioning anyway right? Not so for CNN. I checked and they had nary a peep about the good Reverend's legal woes, but no less than three other on-line sources were reporting on it. CNN only linked to- get this: a FOX News story! What a sham of a news outlet they are.

Anyway the Rev. Sharpton is apparently in hot water for campaign fund issues, as if anyone thought that money sent to him would end up anywhere other than fast times, fast women and cheap booze. Dopes.

Lets face it: Al Sharpton is a race baiting, hate monger who peddles his racist agenda under the guise of "Justice" wherever controversy erupts. His brand of racial politics and corporate blackmail is exactly what this country could do without. If he is guilty of any crimes relating to the funding of his campaign I hope the judge throws the book at him and he rots in jail for a long time. But somehow I get the feeling he will skate once more because no one wants to be labeled a "Racist" in this country no matter what the cost. We shall see.

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