An Obama Promise,...?

"When I'm elected, Rev. Wright and Father Pfleger are going to paint their faces black!"
Labels: Funny S**t, Obama, Politcal Incorrectness Rules, Race
I'm a Bitter Blogger, Clinging to My Guns and My Religion
Full of Antipathy Towards Liberals
For More Than Six Years!
Luke 18:9-14
Labels: Funny S**t, Obama, Politcal Incorrectness Rules, Race
He's a shrill loser and the Pope should censure him,..but he's right!
Labels: Red November Initiative, Sheer Stupidity, Shrillary
Iraqis: Marines Handed Out Christian Coins
Friday, May 30, 2008
BAGHDAD — The U.S. military says an American service member has been removed from duty in Iraq after receiving complaints that Marines were handing out coins promoting Christianity.
Sunni officials in the former insurgent stronghold of Fallujah say the coins were given to Iraqis at an entry checkpoint and had biblical verses written on them in Arabic.
A military statement says the service member was removed from his duties Friday "amid concerns from Fallujah's citizens regarding reports of inappropriate conduct."
The statement says U.S. troops are prohibited "from proselytizing any religion, faith or practices" and the military is investigating the reports.
The military promises appropriate action if they are substantiated.
Labels: Military, Radical Secularism, Religions
Labels: Right-Minded People
Labels: Don't Ask Don't Tell, Funny S**t
Labels: Phillies
HT to Charlie on the Turnpike:
Labels: America the Beautiful, Veterans Affairs
Labels: Downashore, Random BS
The TrekPerson, having endured 15 months of class time, internship, externship, and a romance gone down the drain from a lack of personal time, opened a large manila envelope from the Pennsylvania Department of Health (large envelopes meant good news back then).
Labels: Healthcare, Politics, Sports
Gribbit shows us how:
Labels: Red November Initiative
Right Billy Wagner??
Labels: Phillies
You'd think George W. Bush was looking into a career change by becoming a Senator from New Jersey:
Labels: LAL Laughing at Liberals
Tomorrow will see the premiere of the latest Narnia movie, Prince Caspian.
Labels: Christianity, Hollyweird, Leftist Media
HT to Writemarsh!
Labels: Philliness
So, this weekend, as the TrekMedic was in hunter-gatherer mode, he visited the local Genuardis store. Luckily, this past weekend was their "Grand Re-Opening" following their grand reorganization (in other words, they've stopped moving the meats over to the produce, the produce over to the bread aisle, etc).
Gentle readers, as you know, the TrekMedic actually holds down a wage-paying job when he's not blogging along to information highway.
Labels: American English, EMS, Rants
57 states?? Who's buying the other 7, Teresa Heinz??
Labels: LAL Laughing at Liberals
Myanmar Blocks U.N. Emergency Food Aid for Cyclone Victims
Labels: Untied Nations
Labels: LODD
Claudia Gomez of Fox 29 News has a scathing report on the Philliness of the PFD EMS system.
Labels: EMS, Philliness
HT to Captain America:
PHILADELPHIA (CBS 3) ― A Philadelphia Police officer has died after being shot by alleged bank robbery suspects in the city's Port Richmond section Saturday morning.
Authorities said at least two armed men held up the Bank of America inside a Shop Rite located at Aramingo and Castor Avenues at 11:26 a.m.
A 24th District Police Sergeant and 12-year veteran, 40-year-old Stephen Liczbinski, was ambushed by the fleeing gunmen in the 2600 block of Schiller Street. Sergeant Liczbinski was taken to Temple University Hospital where he succumbed to his injuries early Saturday afternoon.
"At least one of the males fired shots striking and fatally wounding Sgt. Liczbinski," Police Commission Charles Ramsey said.
A police pursuit ensued following the officer's shooting and one of the suspects was shot by police in the 500 block of E. Louden Street in the Feltonville section. The unidentified suspect was taken to Temple University Hospital where he died.
"The second individual and possibly a third individual is still at large. They are now part of an extensive search," Ramsey said.
Members of law enforcement from the Philadelphia Police Department, Pennsylvania and Delaware State Police have been involved in a city-wide manhunt for two other suspects, including a possible female accomplice. The suspects are considered armed and dangerous and anyone with information on their whereabouts is urged to contact Philadelphia police.
During an afternoon news conference, Mayor Nutter and Police Commissioner Ramsey told the city of Philadelphia to wrap their arms around the fallen officer's family and offer support in this time of tragedy.
"I ask that we rally around this family wrap our arms around them, keep them in our prayers. They will need ongoing help and support as we grapple with what has happened here today and I just want to express my own personal sympathies to this family and thank the officer for his long hard work for the Philadelphia Police Department," Mayor Nutter said.
Sergeant Liczbinski, who was promoted to Sergeant in October of 2007, leaves behind a wife, two sons and a daughter.
"This loss of life from a fine Philadelphia Police Officer is just one more example of the senseless violence that takes place here in our city. Our hearts and our prayers go out to his wife Michelle, his sons; Matt, Steven, and his daughter Amber. We are all affected by what has happened here," Mayor Nutter said.
There is an active manhunt for the other two suspects who were last seen near F Street and Roosevelt Boulevard near a wooded area just south of Friends Hospital. Police describe them as:
Suspect #1:
Tall black male
Medium build
Dressed in full robe
Wearing sunglasses during the robbery
Had a shoulder type bag over his right shoulder
Suspect #2:
Possibly a female
Unknown race
Standing 5-foot-6 to 5-foot-7
Wearing light brown robe from head to toe
Suspect #3:
Stalky build
Standing 6-foot-2 to 6-foot-3
Medium brown complexion
Shoulder length dreadlocks type hair that could have possibly been a wig
Blue jeans and a light colored shirt that may have been a flannel shirt
Wearing a white mask possibly a hospital or construction-type mask over his mouth
Anyone with information should immediately notify police as they are considered armed and dangerous.
Labels: LODD
Labels: Europe, Liberals Suck, Right-Minded People