2011 - The Year We Take Back Congress and Make Obama's Life Hell!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Excellent post here, by way of Weapons of Mass Discussion.

I have attempted to post a comment on Eject!Eject! Eject!'s site, but the site is being an ass (not Bill, the webmaster!), so here is my reply to his article:

Under the administrations of at least two Democratic presidents, the US went off to war in a foreign country.

Yet, despite opposition from the Republican side of the bench, ALL legislators stood behind our president for the sake of the betterment of our country?

Where is that spirit today, now that a Republican president has committed us to war for the sake of our security? Why isn't the opposition stifling itself for the betterment (and respect) of this country as a whole and as an institution?

The two biggest tribes in the US today are the two political parties - one spiteful and mean-spirited, the other preserving the institution we call America!


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