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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It Must Be Dumbass Day!

It's always funny till somebody gets hurt—and that goes for professional baseball players hitting teammates in the face with shaving cream pies while they're giving postgame interviews. Chris Coghlan of the Florida Marlins is on the 15-day disabled list and may need knee surgery thanks to a pie-ing that went awry after Sunday's game, USA Today reports.

Wes Helms' game-winning RBI in the bottom of the 11th set off the celebration. "It happened as I was going to pie Wes in the face and when I jumped I landed on my knee wrong," Coghlan, last season's NL rookie of the year, told the Palm Beach Post. Manager Edwin Rodriguez has belatedly banned the pie ritual.

A Florida pastor whose Bible is apparently missing the page that explains the Golden Rule has big plans for the ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks—his church will play host to "International Burn a Koran Day." The Dove World Outreach Center, which is known for the "Islam Is of the Devil" sign on its lawn in Gainesville, says Islam is "a violent and oppressive religion," Kyle Munzenrieder blogs for Miami New Times.

The pastor, Terry Jones, tells Religion News Service supporters have been mailing copies of the Koran to the church. Jones and his congregation have vehemently protested the election of a gay man as mayor of Gainesville, notes Edge Boston. They plan another event, for next month, cleverly named "No Homo Mayor." Asks Munzenrieder: "The Westboro Baptist Church currently holds the title of most insane thing purporting to be a Christian church in America, but could a small congregation of horribly misguided Christians in central Florida soon be taking their place?" For more on Westboro Baptist's recent escapades, click here.

Gentle readers: before you comment, know this: I'm no fan of Islamofascism, but it isn't the book that creates the hate, it's the hateful interpreter that twists the words to to justify the means.

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