2011 - The Year We Take Back Congress and Make Obama's Life Hell!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bob Brady, Congressman, Classless A-hole and Poster Child for Everything Wrong with the Dumb-o-crats!

HT to PA 2010:

Brady not worried about an all-Philly ticket

PHILADELPHIA—If Bob Brady has his way, the Democratic Party’s gubernatorial ticket will be all Philly, all the time. And that doesn’t bother him one bit.

Brady endorsed Anthony Williams for governor on Monday. He’s also endorsed—and been the most adamant supporter of—Jonathan Saidel for Lieutenant Governor. Williams is a state Senator hailing from west Philadelphia. Saidel is a former City Controller from northeast Philadelphia. Conventional wisdom holds that an all-Philly ticket would be disastrous in a general election, making it difficult to court votes from the many regions of the state wary of the big city’s influence on Pennsylvania politics.

Just don’t tell that to Brady, chairman of the city party.

“I’d be elated,” he told pa2010.com in a brief interview outside City Hall here. “I’d love to be in that position.”

Brady also downplayed the idea that his relationship with Dan Onorato, the party’s gubernatorial front-runner, is a bit icy. The perception is that Brady got peeved when chatter built earlier this year that Onorato might form a ticket with Scranton Mayor Chris Doherty—cutting out Saidel, a close friend to Brady. But Brady shrugged that off.

“We’re friends,” he said, “but I’ve got lots of friends.”

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