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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fear,..the Dems' Middle Name

Wasn't the Bush Administration supposed to be all about fear mongering? Read on,...

From Dick Polman's American Debate:

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Mapping a climate of fear

There are all sorts of disturbing things in this world - such as Rod Blagojevich comparing his impeachment to Pearl Harbor, and doomed Wall Street titan John Thain spending $1.2 million to redecorate his Merrill Lynch office - but, for the moment, I'm particularly creeped out by a development in the never-ending California gay marriage imbroglio.

It has been nearly three months since 52 percent of the state's voters approved Proposition 8, the ballot measure banning gay marriage. Gay activists remain extremely ticked off, particularly because so many donors (and the Mormon church)came to the aid of the marriage banners. But instead of productively channeling their energies - by perhaps analyzing what went wrong; perhaps by tweaking the pro-marriage message so that it's more persuasive - some activists have apparently decided that it would be preferable to create a climate of fear.

Although, considering the technological tools currently available, maybe it should be called Fear 2.0. (Hmmm,..just like the Obamistake's administration is just Clinton 2.0?)

After scouring the California campaign finance records, which list the names and addresses of everyone who donated to the anti-marriage campaign, the intrepid gay activists have enlisted the wondrous Google technology...and produced a series of handy online maps that make it possible for any ticked-off partisan to track down any anti-gay donor, and pound on that person's front door. Or do something worse.

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