2011 - The Year We Take Back Congress and Make Obama's Life Hell!

Friday, March 07, 2008

The Circus is Coming to Town!

It'll be six more weeks until the media circus following the campaign-that-will-not-end comes to SE Pennsylvania.

While the TrekMedic's party has secured its candidate, surviving a coup d'etat that shed little blood, but broke many hearts, he now watches this campaign with all the vicarious pleasure Michael Vick must have enjoyed watching those pit bulls fight: knowing that it will be vicious, bloody, and at times illegal. And in the end, the loser, maimed and mangled, will be put out of her misery.

And along those lines, the TrekMedic was today perusing the Inkwaster and noticed Annette John-Hall's take on the upcoming bloodshed.

Getting past the racial angle of her column, one quote by Melissa Harris-Lacewell truly sticks out about the Shrill One:

Truth be told, the blue-collar candidate is anything but.

"Hillary Clinton likes to cast herself as an outsider candidate, but the truth is, she is a woman of privilege who is connected at the hip to the [former] president of the United States," Harris-Lacewell says.

Its the same Shrill One who's been a lifelong New Yorker, who's been a lifelong Chicago Cubs fan, and the same one who's added and dropped a Southern Accent more times than Slick Willie shared a cigar with Monica.

And whether its April 22 in Pennsylvania, the DNC convention this summer, or at the national ballot on November, all this BS will come back to haunt her and she'll be beaten like a drum at a "Stomp" performance.


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