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Sunday, February 24, 2008

What Defines a Cult?

And more succinctly, should a cultist become the US president?

That, folks, has been the crux of an ongoing debate between Paul Couturier of Independently Correct Radio and myself over the status of one ex-Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.

While Romney has since dropped out of the race, the possibility of that he may become McCain's running mate has kept this disagreement going.

What started this was my belief the Mr. Romney was the victim of the same 40-year old canard that JFK experienced as the first Catholic President of the United States. The fears that the Pope would relocate the Holy See under his administration to Washington were unfounded and Kennedy adhered to the separation of church and state.

Now, Mitt Romney is a Mormon. Mr. Couturier believes Mormons are a cult and placing a Mormon at the very seat of world political power is a mistake of Apocalyptic status.

Mr. Couturier also holds strong Christian beliefs, which appear to conflict with those of Mormons.

To that end, let's set up a few definitions:
  • Christianity - in general, the belief that God, by way of the Virgin Birth of Mary, became man (Jesus Christ) in fulfillment of the Scriptures. Jesus, as a teacher and prophet, set about a change from the Judiac beliefs of sin, forgiveness and reconciliation. This is documented in the Gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John.
Now, I'm going to throw another cult into the mix for contrast: Scientology.

Those who read this blog regularly know that I have a hard-on against this cult. I believe Scientology has been acquired by the movers and shakers in Hollywood who would seek the ablate the injection of morality into their works and specifically targets Catholic actors and performers, thus ostracizing non-members and rewarding ex-Catholic converts.

What's worse is Scientology has no basis in any Judeo-Christian creed, but instead is based upon a pulp science fiction book!

So, given our choices in the 21st Century, would you rather place Mitt Romney, a man who's beliefs are in the divine, or someone like Tom Cruise, who follows the rants of a deluded hack writer?

The choice is yours, folks. I've made mine!


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