2011 - The Year We Take Back Congress and Make Obama's Life Hell!

Monday, July 02, 2007

No Hand Holding Allowed!

In the wake of the Supreme Court's recent affirmative action decision, it didn't take long for Philadelphia Fishwrapper cartoonist, Signe Wilkinson, to put her usual liberal slant on the story:

Now, gentle readers, let's take her analogy a little further along, shall we?

  • Where are this minority child's parents?
  • If they exist, wouldn't it be THEIR responsibility to educate their son to cross at the cross-walk?

  • If their child was properly-educated by his parents (plural and of mixed sex), wouldn't he be smart enough to cross the street and have access to that "decent education?"

I guess Signe, like her liberal ilk, forget to take these things into consideration while they daydream about their Utopian Nanny state.

Something I'll always remember what my Catholic nuns (the SSJs for those in the know) told my parents (plural and of mixed sex): "education begins at home!"

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At 7:57 AM, Blogger BobG said...

I had the good fortune to be educated at an early age by the Sisters of Charity (Mother Seton's crew). When they were done, the Jesuits took over.

You're absolutely right, TM, education begins at home. The school is not a substitute, but rather an embellishment.

At 7:40 PM, Blogger Opinionnation said...

yeah, and why can't he help himself? are minorities to dumb to advance in life? -typical liberal


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