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Sunday, July 01, 2007

Less John Street = Less Philliness?

Apparently, while Mayor John Street was busy bringing Philadelphia's level of technology up to par, some normal people finally got to run the City.


Well, last night, the TrekMedic and entourage attended the annual Penn's Landing fireworks show from the Independence Seaport Museum.

Over the past five years, this has been a buffet dinner and tour of the museum, frequently interrupted by a blaring, 200-decibel Radio Air Pollution concert less than 100 yards away, thus somewhat ruining the ambiance of the evening.

Ah, but not this year. The speakers that normally trail along Penn's Landing's light standards appear to have been removed, thus allowing for normal-voiced conversation over the TrekMedic's grilled dogs with kraut and BBQ chicken.

However, someone has yet to explain why the two access points to the "concert" were gated off to allow Philly's finest to do bag checks. The TrekMedic can think of 202 reasons,......

Finally, a parting shot at Mayor Street, courtesy of Wyatt at Support Your Local Gunfighter:



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