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Saturday, August 05, 2006

More Scientology Bulls**t!

Normally, I don't pay much attention to the Leftywood crowd, but this story about the embodiment of the anti-Christ - Tom Cruise - and his supposed child, Suri, is starting to get my attention:

"I met Suri."

That extraordinary admission comes from Penelope Cruz, the third person who has seen the invisible girl, allegedly birthed by Katie Holmes, and returned to tell about it.

"She is really beautiful, she is really special. One of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen," said Cruz, in so hyperbolic a tone, one wonders what awful truth is being hidden. "They are really happy and doing great."

Suri was born April 18. Her existence exemplifies one of the oldest philosophical questions: "If a movie star's baby falls in the forest and there's no one there to see it, does it exist?"

Cruz played Tom Cruise's arm candy from '01 to '04, at which time her career became as invisible as Suri.

The TrekMedic muses:

Hmmm,..the only two celebrities to have declared to have seen the demon spawn, Penelope Cruz and Leah Remini, are both,....Scientologists themselves! And the conspiracy grows here!


At 7:49 PM, Blogger kateykakes said...

**"If a movie star's baby falls in the forest and there's no one there to see it, does it exist?"**


Cruise & Holmes are both whack jobs.


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