2011 - The Year We Take Back Congress and Make Obama's Life Hell!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

It Won't Always Be a Plane Into a Building,....

SEATTLE — A man walked into a Jewish organization Friday afternoon and opened fire, killing one woman and injuring at least five others before he was arrested, officials said.

The gunman, who employees said claimed to be a Muslim angry at Israel, forced his way through the security door at the Jewish Federation after an employee had punched in her security code, said Marla Meislin-Dietrich, a co-worker who was not at the building at the time.

Staff members said they overheard him saying "'I am a Muslim American, angry at Israel,' before opening fire on everyone," Meislin-Dietrich said. "He was randomly shooting at everyone."

Police would not confirm the account. When asked if the suspect was a Muslim, Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske said at a news conference "you could infer that that was his background."

Naveed Afzal Haq was booked into jail late Friday for investigation of homicide and attempted homicide.

Surprisingly, UNN hasn't found a way to twist this story around to blame Israel, GWB, or Fox News for this terrorist hate crime!


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