2011 - The Year We Take Back Congress and Make Obama's Life Hell!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

A Convergence of Random Thoughts

So, as I'm reading the Katrina Report, a few things leaped from the pages and into my mind (that happens to me a lot, especially after a night of Yuengling):

Late decisions by New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin and Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco to issue mandatory evacuations in the New Orleans area led to deaths and prolonged suffering.

So,..it WASN'T all Bush's fault? And it wasn't a cabal of Republican racists out to eliminate New Orleans? It was a pair of incompetent Democrats??

Interesting as well, but conveniently missing from most MSM web outlets, were criticisms laid against the media for disseminating gossip and rumors as factual reports (thousands dead and floating in the water!!) from the disaster area and increasing the confusion about what was happening.

And it didn't stop there, of course: what about the Sago Mine disaster? One misunderstood communique lead 12 families to believe their loved ones had been rescued, when the exact opposite had happened!

Makes you wonder why VP Cheney waited so long before notifying the media! Can you imagine, in today's "be first, then be right" MSM world, what the shooting report would have been like:

Dateline: Deepindaharta, TX - Today, Vice President Cheney, in a drunken rage, simultaneously fired an AR-15 and a Tec-9 into a crowd of nature walkers in a public park. It is believed the Vice President was "dazed and confused" as one unidentified witness stated, most likely as a result of combining alcohol and the numerous medications the Vice President takes for his heart conditions!

Finally,..a copy of the full Katrina report can be found here.


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