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Saturday, February 13, 2010

"R" You Kidding?

More dumbing-down the dumbest transit system in the US?

Soon it may be time to say goodbye to SEPTA's R5 Regional Rail line. And the R3. And every other "R" line.

SEPTA won't get rid of the lines, just the R's.

The transit agency is making plans to replace the R designations with the ultimate destination names. So, the R8/Chestnut Hill West would become simply the Chestnut Hill West line, and the R8/Fox Chase would become just the Fox Chase line.

SEPTA says visitors and infrequent riders sometimes get on the wrong trains, confused by different lines with the same R designations.

If SEPTA follows through with the proposed name changes, they likely would be made in late July. Harry Garforth, SEPTA's manager of rail planning, described the changes at a meeting last week of the SEPTA Citizen Advisory Committee's Regional Rail subcommittee.

SEPTA spokesman Richard Maloney said no final decision had been made to remove the R designators.

"It's something we're leaning toward, but it's still under active discussion," he said.

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