2011 - The Year We Take Back Congress and Make Obama's Life Hell!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Some Thoughts on the 9/11 Anniversary

Yesterday, I observed silence in memory of those we lost on 9/11/01. I did it, in part, because I was still seething with anger over what we've lost and what we've failed to accomplish. My anger had no place yesterday, unlike some people, so I've kept a civil tongue until now.

On 9/11/01, I didn't lose a loved one, a close friend, or anyone in particular. I came to work that day, arriving at the station house to hear the unbelievable news of an airliner crashing into one of the tallest buildings in the world. Firefighters and paramedics stood around the station's TV, speculating on how best to mount a rescue. As the news became more ominous during the day, I had to put it all aside, since sick people didn't take 9/11 off.

I didn't make it to NYC until late October of 2001, and yet, after all that time, and even from 3 and 4 blocks away, the smell of jet fuel and charred flesh still permeated the air. Armed soldiers and NYSP officers walked the streets. Flood lights, running on diesel generators, were at every corner of lower Manhattan that night. If you didn't know any better, you'd think you were walking through a movie set being shot on location.

As I revisit the documentaries and analysis, one thing in particular fills me with rage: over the last 5 years, how many times have we seen, ad nauseum, pictures of dead bodies (mostly women and children) that highlight an accident caused by an errant bomb or missile? How many times did we see the prisoners of Abu Ghraib paraded before us during the nightly brainwashing,..er, I mean, newscasts?

And yet, on every documentary of the 9/11 attacks, we were told of the people who leapt 80 and 90 stories to their deaths rather than be burned alive in the 2000-degree heat. Where are the pictures of those bodies?? Why aren't those shots paraded before us every night? Why aren't we reminded of WHY we fight in Afghanistan and Iraq???

President Bush made one major mistake in the days after 9/11. He did not go before Congress and ask for a declaration of war against Al Qaeda and any country that harbors, aids and/or abets terrorism throughout the world! Accomplishing that would have made the War Powers Act clearer and silenced those within our own legislature who would aid and abet these Muslim savages!

But last night, the President put his foot down and began to silence his critics! I watched the speech last night on Fox News ('natch!), then immediately went over to CNN to see what distortions were being broadcast by the willing opposition. Surprise! It was softballer Larry King, ruminating on the Lights of Freedom. What? No screaming and pontificating from Howard Dean or Chuck Schumer? No words of wisdom from she-who-would-be-queen (Clinton and/or Pelosi)? Could it possibly be that the DemoSocialists have finally painted themselves in a corner and have no exit strategy (how ironic)??

But alas, this morning, I've awakened to the incoherent ramblings of everyone's favorite party animal, Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Runk) admonishing the President for "Politicizing 9/11."

For shame, Mr. President! What would Congressman Murtha think??
And while I'm thinking of it, am I the only one who thinks there's something mighty wrong with Ground Zero?? The President laid a wreath in a hastily-built kiddie pool yesterday, instead of a grandiose part of a new World Trade Center complex! Why? Oh, yeah,...after 5 years we still haven't built anything there because we have to fight apologists at every step who want to turn Ground Zero into one big, gigantic "Blame America" museum!!

And so, now on Sept 12, 2006, we turn our attention forward. In five years, the United States has not been attacked by the same rabid Islamic fascists. Like Vice-President Cheney, I'm still waiting for a "thank you" from somebody!




Oh, yeah,..George Soros would have a stroke if he allowed any of his media puppets to admit THAT on the air!

As the Reagan presidency defined the final struggle against Communism, the Bush presidency - the first of this century AND millennium - will define the war against those who would kill in the name of God.

**That's my opinion and you're entitled to it!**


At 2:14 PM, Blogger The WordSmith from Nantucket said...

**That's my opinion and you're entitled to it!**

Excellent rant.

At 1:01 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

Well put!

Love the site.

Check mine out if you get a chance!

Keep up the great work.


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