2011 - The Year We Take Back Congress and Make Obama's Life Hell!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Dixie Chicks Dissed Again!

Its not enough that Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez went ballistic this week at the UN, calling President Bush "the Devil," but then he went on to shill a CD for jazz group "Berkley Square."

"The people of the United States should listen to this ... instead of the watching Superman movies," Chavez later told reporters.

Photo courtesy of Three Sources

Wow,..if you're going to slam the United States and its leadership, wouldn't the Ditzy Chicks be more of an obvious choice for listening, or do they annoy Chavez, too?


At 10:27 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

Haha that picture is great. Hugo is an idiot, just gave me one more reason not to stop at a Citgo station. I noticed you blog the PA races heavily. Be sure to stop over to my blog. I try to hit up PA politics every other post when I see some news. Good Luck and keep up the good work.


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