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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Cruel and Unusual?

Clarence Ray Allen Executed at San Quentin Written for the web by Bob Montgomery, Internet News Producer

From KXTV-Sacramento:
Allen petitioned for clemency on the grounds that his age and poor health made the death penalty a cruel and unusual punishment. He was confined to a wheelchair, was deaf and legally blind, and had diabetes and a variety of other medical conditions.

From FoxNews:
Allen, whose birthday was Monday, stood to become the oldest person executed in California and the second-oldest put to death nationally— since the Supreme Court allowed capital punishment to resume in 1976.

He raised two claims never before endorsed by the high court: that executing a frail old man would violate the U.S. Constitution's ban on cruel and unusual punishment, and that the 23 years he spent on death row were unconstitutionally cruel as well.

TrekMedic muses:

Allen's bleeding-heart liberal lawyers petitioned the case citing grounds for "cruel and unusual punishment" do to his multiple ailments.

Well, you know, if his lawyers hadn't taken his case on a wild-goose chase for 23 years and let justice be served swiftly, he wouldn't have become so debilitateded in the first place!!

And a final dagger in the back for this "no s**t" statement:

Prior to his execution Allen was given the traditional final meal. He dined on a buffalo steak, white-meat chicken from KFC, sugar-free pecan pie and sugar-free black walnut ice cream.

Sugar free? Yeah, because, God forbid, all that sugar might wreak havoc with his diabetes and,.....(gasp!),....kill him!!


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