2011 - The Year We Take Back Congress and Make Obama's Life Hell!

Sunday, July 24, 2005

As Muslims Avert Their Eyes,...

(link inserted into title)

HT to MataHarley at Sea2Sea for this one:

Moderate Muslims rarely speak out against the Islamists and the handful that do nearly always add a ‘‘but’’. Terrible what is happening in London but America is to blame. Terrible that small children should be killed by suicide bombers but what about the children dying in Iraq and Palestine. Indian Muslims do not add Kashmir, foreign Muslims do. As soon as a ‘‘but’’ gets added you get justification for evil deeds and an evil ideology of hatred and violence.

Ms. Tavleen Singh earlier in this piece also writes:

I have said it before and I will say it again, madrasas can only breed fanatics because it is fanaticism that automatically comes to little children who are taught that they belong to the only perfect religion in the world and that all they ever need to learn is the Koran by rote because what knowledge can exist beyond a book written personally by Allah.


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