2011 - The Year We Take Back Congress and Make Obama's Life Hell!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Anti-ACLU Rant of the Week 4/7/05 - Part 1

Before I give over time to Jay777 and the Anti-ACLU weekly post, I want to get something ACLU-related off my chest:

I recently read a poll conducted by Philadelphia Magazine about teens and, after percolating through my Zol-Zac addled mind, I've come to this conclusion:

This is your brain:

This is your brain after the ACLU gets through with it:

  • Teaching sex education and protection is OK. Teaching abstinence is a Christian value and, therefore, not allowed in public schools.
  • When you do get abstinence into kids' heads, thanks to Bill Clinton, anal and oral sex aren't really sex, so STDs aren't capable of being spread, right?
  • Failing protective measures, if you get pregnant, you may commit murder on-demand. In many states, you don't even need the input of a rational adult (Mom,..Dad) before you do it.
  • When a rational adult gets involved, the newly-minted single mother is taught by the ACLU that welfare is a civil right, not a stop-gap towards becoming a productive citizen. The same welfare can be passed on to successive generations.

This is an ACLU-driven cycle of poverty and immoralty that must stop!

Stop the ACLU today!


At 1:26 AM, Blogger loboinok said...

Excellent post! Very witty! I can't believe I missed this one. Great job!


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