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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Medic's Musings on the Schiavo Matter

I haven't posted much on this because it ventures into personal beliefs that, well, I'd rather keep personal.

In all of the recent debates raging about Terri Schiavo, one of the latest emotional appeals involves her "being starved/dehydrated to death."

Now, removing all emotion from this argument, I offer the following hypothetical:

Let's say Terri had the forethought to make out an enforceable living will. Now, Michael Schiavo carries out the intent of the advanced directives and Terri is denied a feeding tube when her brain damage becomes severe enough to warrant one.

Would there be this much hue and cry from the pro-life forums over her treatment?

The phones lines are open.....


At 9:34 PM, Blogger koyore said...

She is in a hospice setting, and I volunteer at a redisdent home, where people come to pass with dignity, respect and comfort, with support for their loved ones. Most pass without much or none food/fluid intake. If anyone reads about hopsice-it is a known fact that these people have no pain, and it is a peaceful way to go. So many are weighing on this issue withou being well inform on the process of dying and hospice. It is not just for cancer patients anymore. Her husband must love her so much to fight on and on for her like this. I wish them goodspeed.

At 9:41 PM, Blogger koyore said...

Also, where were the pro-lifers, then the baby was taken off lifesupport in Te4xas, against the parents' wishes??!! Where was the moral outcry?! The bill, which allowed the coruts and the hospital to do this was passed by then Gov. Bush, and takes into account if the family cannot pay for the care. This family was not able to, so the baby was let to die against the wishes of the parents. What a double standard-the rich get it all and the poor get shafted once again!

At 10:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there was an enforceable living will, by all means follow it. My problem with the situation from a legal standpoint is the Michael Schiavo doesn't make a credible witness as far as I'm concerned. I'm not at all convinced that he is carrying out her wishes. He was fine with her living when he needed her around to convince a jury to give him money, but even that case might have been based on some dubious evidence.

I say that in this case where there doesn't seem to be a good consensus, err on the side of life. But if you want to err on the side of death, then have the guts to get the job done rather than prolong it for two weeks.

At 9:20 AM, Blogger That Dude said...

"If there was an enforceable living will, by all means follow it. My problem with the situation from a legal standpoint is the Michael Schiavo doesn't make a credible witness as far as I'm concerned."

I agree 1,000%.

At 1:50 PM, Blogger loboinok said...

The pope is soon to follow. These things usually happen in threes. It makes me wonder if God is trying to tell us something.


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