2011 - The Year We Take Back Congress and Make Obama's Life Hell!

Sunday, December 26, 2004


In the last election, only 25% of the so-called "Jewish Vote" went towards GWB.

In a recent Haaretz column, Nathan J. Diament muses on this conundrum.

Obviously, this attitude of religious inclusivity is double-edged:

Arabs may see this as pandering to the Israeli cause and fuel more speculation of a renewed anti-Muslim crusade,...


Show the world that the US president is NOT a puppet of the religious right in this country.


At 2:53 PM, Blogger MataHarley said...

It's always the MSM blathering about the religious right electing Dubya, TrekMed.

Yet one can't say any particular faith overwhelmingly "elected" Bush. Afterall, this is a nation dominated by those of Christian faith in varying degress of devout behavior. Not everyone is in church every weekend, but they may still call themselves Christian.

How can you separate those votes from the very different "religious right" they speak of?

Personally, I think faith had little to do with the election results. One needn't be overly religious to be disgusted with some of the cultural changes going on in this country... from TV programming to legislative. Add to that the Dems put up a real loser as an opponent. Wrong man at the wrong time in the wrong war.

The only choices in this election was for Bush, or against Bush.

The attempt to paint GW as a religious fanatic has been a campaign smear by extreme liberals since day one - and one that fooled no one heading to the voting booths. Race and religious baiting is a standard tool in the political playbooks.

Nor do I believe the world thinks Dubya is anyone's puppet. And that's what scares them. To influence a puppet, as too many of our leaders have been, one only has to get to the one holding the puppet's strings. Dubya has none. He is his own man.

And the terrorists? They believe everything we do is "anti-Muslim". Yet I truly believe their time on this planet is coming to an end - and deservedly so.

As far as "peaceful Islam" goes... I don't think they like our salacious western culture. Hang, even alot of us don't. But they stop short of siding with terrorists. It is in they and their children that the key to a peaceful future lies.

BTW, Happy New Year to ya!

At 3:00 PM, Blogger MataHarley said...

BTW,TrekMedic, I forgot to tell you. I took your LOTR test via the link. I am Galadriel. Read into that all that you wish, but beware my retaliation... LOL

At 4:24 PM, Blogger Vulture 6 said...

I'm thinking that we are over thinking way too many things.

At 6:58 AM, Blogger Dean Reese said...

This is a great posting, makes me think I need to do some writing.



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