2011 - The Year We Take Back Congress and Make Obama's Life Hell!

Sunday, December 26, 2004

The Morning After,....

As I arouse myself from the Christmas food-induced stupor,...some random thoughts today:

1 - I am comforted knowing that US justice is slowly invading Iraq.
2 - In a time of giving and receiving, I wonder about all of the Christmas songs we hear every year. Sunny 104.5 and that hell-spawn Brian Check aside, the only time you hear a lot of these songs are in the month before Christmas. Now, as far as I know, groups like the Royal Guardsmen, the Waitresses, and the Whirling Dervishes never amounted to much on the pop/mass market scene, yet the royalties they make each year from their one Christmas hit being played ad nauseum must be a sweet jingle bell in the performers' pockets!
3 - It truly isn't the gift, but the thought that counts


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