Shrillary's At It Again!

Are you S**ting Me???
At least she said she did.
It wasn’t clear from a reporter’s standpoint that she actually shed tears, but after the Democratic presidential candidate took the microphone Monday from one of her old law school professors at a New Haven, Conn., event, Clinton indicated the moment had gotten to her.
“I said I would not tear up. Already, we’re not exactly on that path,” Clinton told the audience.
Photos from the event also reveal what appear to be moist eyelids on the former first lady.
The comment comes just one day before the presidential candidates face voters in Super Tuesday polls, and Clinton is hoping to edge out a surging Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination.
This also comes less than a month after another public emotional moment for Clinton.
Clinton was facing criticism in early January for not being human enough, but a widely seen video recording showed Clinton shedding a tear at a New Hampshire event just before the primary there. That moment might have helped give her the boost she needed to win The Granite State.
The moment in Connecticut came as she revisited her law school days while hosting a campaign event at the Yale Child Study Center where she first pursued her interest in child advocacy.
Penn Rhodeen, a New Haven public interest lawyer who worked with Clinton as a student, recalled her showing up on his doorstep wearing purple bell-bottoms.
“It was so 1972,” he recalled, praising Clinton for her longtime interest in helping children.
“Here is the abiding truth we know — you have always been a champion for children. Welcome home, dear friend. We are so proud of you,” he said.
Clinton at one point wiped her eyes with her hand, but unlike her teary-eyed moment in Portsmouth, N.H., her voice never broke.
Clinton also was showing some of the stress of the campaign trail as she had coughing spell at the Monday event.
Clinton had insisted Sunday night on her plane that she’s feeling fine, but a string of long days on the campaign trail have led to a scratchy voice and a cough that comes and goes.
In the middle of Monday’s event, it came in a big way. Five aides rushed out of the room to fetch a lozenge as she struggled to control the cough, asking the participants o continue.
Through Monday, she had one more rally scheduled, an appearance on David Letterman’s show Monday night, and a 90-minute national town hall after that.
FOX News’ Aaron Bruns and The Associated Press contributed to this report.
The TrekMedic weighs in:
Ok,..separated at birth,...
The Shrill One:

And Elaan of Troyius (Star Trek Original Series):

The link:
The Enterprise transports Elaan, the female ruler of the warrior Troyians, to the planet of her enemy so that her arranged marriage will halt their interplanetary war. Kirk must teach the arrogant, vicious ruler the ways of polite society but falls victim to the legendary weapon of Troyian women: their tears act as a love potion.
Yeah,..I'm a Sci-Fi geek,..that's why I'm called the "TrekMedic," right?
Labels: Red November Initiative, Shrillary, Star Trek
Yes Hillary stated balling again
I dont want that in my commander-in-cheif!
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