2011 - The Year We Take Back Congress and Make Obama's Life Hell!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

"Highly Touted" = Highly P**sed!

So,..last night, I found myself watching the "highly touted" new series, "Studio 60." Maybe I shouldn't have watched it right after the Phillies slapped away ANOTHER chance at the NL wild card.

Anyway,...I watched. Knowing its "pedigree" of Aaron Sorkin and half of the cast from his last "hit" "The Left Wing," I knew what I was getting in to with this travesty.

It didn't take long for Sorkin to start his leftist diatribe - it was given by Wes Mendell (Judd Hirsch) in a scene straight out of Sidney Lumet's "Network."

When Wes wasn't shooting barbs at NBC's real reality shows, he went straight into the FCC's attempts to bring some decency to back to television. Donald Wildmon notwithstanding, we need it.

OK,..cheap shot taken and heard, Aaron. It was expected of you. But what REALLY got the TrekMedic snarling, cursing, and gnashing his teeth was the back story between head writer Matt Albie (Matthew Perry) and born-again Christian comedian Harriet Hayes (Sarah Paulson).

Seems Matt didn't like Harriet appearing on Pat Robertson's show,..going so far as to compare his daily broadcast to a Klan rally! Now,..I don't support what Robertson says on a daily basis; in fact, I think he generally lives in a world separate from our own, but that doesn't give some hack writer license to take his vitriol that far.

So,..will I watch "Studio 60" (the number must be the collective IQ of its writers) again? Well,..the previews show Harriet getting the last word on Matt in future episodes, so maybe I'll give it one more go. After that, the gloves are off!

**That's My Opinion and You're Entitled to It!**


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