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Friday, July 07, 2006

An Important Message from Jay and the Stop the ACLU Blogburst!

Apparently, the Daily Kos, in an immature attempt to deflect criticism of his page, has accused the anti-ACLU crowd of anti-Semitism. Oddly enough, Kos calls his site "the state of the nation." What nation is that, Kos? It sure as hell isn't the United States of America!!

Here's Jay's post:

Update 2: Look, here is how it goes….I personally would not expose the personal details of anyone’s private info. I don’t defend this. It is a personal decision of an individual to do so. If you are looking for a condemnation from me, I will only say that I, as an individual, would not resort to this. I am only defending Nedd to the point that it was all taken out of context. Nedd had no evil intentions, nor racial motivations, and no harm was a result of his actions. I disapprove of the methods, and will be trying to convince Nedd to change his mind about this.

Update: I never claimed to be “unaffiliated” or “unrelated” to Stoptheaclu.org. I only stated that we are two seperate things. We may be under the same umbrella, but we are not the same people. Unlike the left we are not taking marching orders from anyone. We have a common cause and in many cases we join forces. The particular accusation against Nedd however has nothing to do with this site. Personally, I would not use the methods he did to reach our goal, but the left are totally overexaggerating what he did as I state below.

The lefties are going crazy over what Nedd from Stop The ACLU.Org did in his campaign to expose ACLU plaintiffs. Well, first off…I don’t know why KOS linked to me. I’m Stoptheaclu.com. I didn’t publish anyone’s address, so you can all move along. Stop the ACLU.com and Stoptheaclu.org are two seperate things. We support each others main cause of exposing the dangerous agenda of the ACLU, but obviously use different methods. I can’t control what Nedd does, and he doesn’t control what I do.

This is nothing but a campaign by anti-American extremists to cast a shadow on a increasingly successful grassroots effort to expose the most radical and dangerous organization in America — the ACLU.

The cry of racism/anti-Semitism is the last refuge of a Leftist scoundrel on the verge of losing an argument. The Kosanostra and Crew are very familiar with losing (especially political campaigns), so it’s not surprising that they and their minions resort to the tired, tried-and-untrue refrain when they get that all-too-familiar losing feeling in the heat of the battle of ideas. Nedd is half Jewish himself, so the point is moot with their cries of racism.

For the record: First, we reject any and all race/religion/ethnicity-based personal attacks on anyone, with special protection due children. Second, we reject physical violence on individuals and incitement of the same. Third, we reject any unwarranted attempt by our ideological opposition to cast an argument in terms of the very things we emphatically reject.

While there are a variety of opinions on the practice of publishing home addresses in the Stop the ACLU Coalition/Community, with many in opposition, the perpetually-outraged Leftosphere would do well to not “throw stones in glass houses.” Those who’ve attacked the practice of publishing identities of ACLU clients who initiate lawsuits designed to attack the long-held traditions of our nation face serious hypocrisy issues. Both Jesus’ General and Daily Kos have either defended the practice of revealing the addresses/neighborhoods of political opponents (here; and here) or have done so themselves (here — yes we know JG, you “repented” hours before attacking Nedd for the exact same thing you’d done. Not a convincing CYA.).

Finally, the anti-STACLU interlopers have some serious factual problems that completely compromise the purpose behind this attempted E-lynching. Assuming the original reports (http://www.jewsonfirst.org/06b/indianriver.html) are accurate, the mother and son apparently moved as early as late 2004. How could the 2006 publication of the address the father maintains have “driven” the family from their home in 2004 or played any role at all?

Also see Right on the Right who shows how the lefties threw out the majority of actual “facts” in order to start a smear campaign.

In June, Daily Kos featured a blatantly anti-Jew pair of cartoons (here) that were met with nearly 800 back-slapping, towel-snapping comments from the “tolerant” faithful. The subject was Yale’s decision to pull a job offer from an America-hating, anti-Semite “blogger-scholar” named Juan Cole (here). Of course, it was the Jews! The “gefilte fish” reference cannot be interpreted any other way than the ethnic slur it was intended to be. The reference to the “corporate” power of the Jews…make your own judgment on what this imagery invokes. Oh OK, I’ll give you a head start. (go here.)

Consider also the obsessively vehement opposition to Sen. Joe Lieberman. Trend? With far more substantiation on our side, dare we make the charge they are so willing to make?

As for our new troll in the comment section. Here is an updated ACLU poster you can print out and hang on your wall.

I find it funny that the left,..always the self-declared defenders of the downtrodden, would have to resort to some obscure case and cries of anti-Semitism (thus playing the infamous Demo-Socialist race card) to win an argument they've already lost several times!


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