2011 - The Year We Take Back Congress and Make Obama's Life Hell!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Philliness Guide to Voting

OK,...as much as I hate to admit this, I'm going to take a pass on the primary vote next week.

Why? In the corrupt, neo-Socialist City of Philadelphia, I have very few choices left to me at this stage in the game, seeing as most of the competition was squelched in the back rooms of bars all over the city.

Let's take a look at some of the major races in Pennsylvania:

US Senate - Rick Santorum (R) - unopposed vs Robert Casey (D) - for all intents unopposed
Governor - Lynn Swann (R) - unopposed vs Ed Rendell (D) - unopposed
US Congress - 1st PA District - Bob Brady (D) - unopposed, no Republican candidate listed

My State Senator and Represenative (I won't name them for my own security) are both Dems who run unopposed and never receive a challenge from the Republicans, Libertarians, or Constitutionalists.

So,...I'm saving all my energy and blog space for the November "Keep America Red" campaign!


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