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Thursday, March 09, 2006

Stuck on Stupid, I See,...

Isn't it nice to see BET, the black-oriented cable channel always setting a positive example for the black youth of America?

I'm being sarcastic of course,...how else do you explain this?

Lil Kim - Countdown to Lockdown

Its heartwarming to see that if you lie like a rug under oath, you can STILL make a fortune videotaping all the partying you did before getting sent to the slammer!

Sorry, but don't bitch about "stereotyping" and "racism" to me anymore. Clean up your own act, first!

Addendum for March 9, 2006:

The Inkwaster has a pointed opinion of her show here!

I don't want to get cranky about music. After all, I've taken a lot of grief from older folks for proudly defending rap music, my generation's rock-and-roll, its "devil music," its contribution to the decline of Western civilization.

But watching Black Entertainment Television's new reality show Lil' Kim: Countdown to Lockdown was enough to make even me search for the mental Pepto-Bismol.


When the subject of the Junior Mafia comes up in the show, things get crazy. Lil' Kim was once a member of the Junior Mafia, and JM members dimed her out in court.

All of a sudden, the language gets really bad. There are rapper Ja Rule and a host of other folks kickin' it all gangsta: "N- this," "F- that," "Code of the streets is always not to open up your f- mouth," "Stop the snitchin'."

The Junior Mafia thing - well, that is something for Lil' Cease and what's left of the JM crew to deal with. But kids are going to be watching this tonight. You only had to read yesterday about the trial of the two men accused of killing Faheem Thomas-Childs (here) (here) (here) (here) to gauge the consequences of "stop the snitchin'."


At 10:42 PM, Blogger WomanHonorThyself said...

S'ok sheez only famous fer struttin round half nekked anyway..nice role model eh?..not!


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