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Monday, March 06, 2006

"Brokeback" or Backbone?

Like many people, last night I chose to avoid the Oscars like a Democrat avoids pro-US legislation.

Imagine my surprise this morning to find the Best Picture Award went to "Crash!"

As reported here:

How Did 'Brokeback' End Up 'Crash'-ing?
Monday, March 06, 2006

NEW YORK — We chatted about it, joked about it, argued about it, spoofed it. "Brokeback Mountain" was everywhere in our popular culture -- yet it lost the big Oscar it was supposed to win.

Was there a "Brokeback Backlash," or was "Crash" just the worthy contender that came on strong in the final Best Picture stretch? There were as many theories being offered up Monday as there are "Brokeback" parodies on the Internet.

One theory was that, despite the hoopla, the endless late-night monologues and the clever imitations, people (Academy voters, that is) didn't really love the soulful saga of two gay cowboys -- and perhaps even felt uncomfortable with its themes.

To which the TrekMedic muses:

Maybe Leftywood just took a long, hard look in the mirror and realized you can't get revenue by shoving unwanted ideas in people's faces year after year. That's why the Christian-themed, but Oscar-ignored movie, "Chronicles of Narnia" outsold just about every other "Important Message Movie" put out this year!


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