2011 - The Year We Take Back Congress and Make Obama's Life Hell!

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Truly Sad News :-(

It is with great sadness to relate that Medic 251, my baby, has been put out to pasture....

Medic 251 started life as the original Medic 201 and served at the East Station beginning in 1996. In 1998, it was nearly totalled in a highway accident and had its box remounted on a new chassis.
In 2001, its air conditioning unit caught fire, damaging the patient care area. After being rebuilt yet again, it returned to service as Medic 251, faithfully serving for another 2 years.

Unfortunately, with new ownership comes new priorities and the repairs needed to its transmission and suspension outweigh its worth. It was removed from service today and will be sold off to another local ambulance squad.

Medic 251 leaves no spouse or children, but will be sadly missed by those who need serious psychotropic therapy.

And, "NO!" Mike, I'm not moving to a &^@%$!$ van!!!


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