2011 - The Year We Take Back Congress and Make Obama's Life Hell!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

No Media Bias Here, Huh?

This MSMSNBC moment brought to you by Anthony at Opinionnation Times:

Blow chunks if you feel it's necessary! As a paramedic, I can give you some Zofran to help.

The TrekMedic opines:

Amazing how Obama-bin-Laden gives another one of his great speeches (Seriously, he's a terrific orator), and the leftist media is falling over itself to congratulate him and call for more "open dialog" on race. (Here, here , here, and here for example)

Funny how calls for more racial dialogs always come from black, liberal parties in this country, huh?

And what about Bill Cosby? The NAACP threw him under the bus when he began to preach self-reliance, instead of the standard Demo-Socialist government reliance.

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At 11:05 PM, Blogger Sezme said...

I just think it is funny how the MSM fawned over the Clintons when they were the "flavor" of the moment and now the Clintons can't even get that come hither look from the MSM. HA!


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