2011 - The Year We Take Back Congress and Make Obama's Life Hell!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

A DoubleStandarddradnatSelbuoD in the Black Community?? No-o-o-o!

Cerebrus413 point this one instance out (and, no - it isn't the usual about Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson):

Here’s an angle no-ones touched on yet concerning Imus losing his job over a racially charged comment.

You may remember this one, Black radio host Tom Joyner and his crew mocking 14 year old Bethany Hamilton after she was attacked by a tiger shark in Hawaii back in '03, losing an arm in the attack. It made national news and within days Joyner and co-hosts had prepared an entire skit, to make fun of this child and brought race into it by focusing on the fact that she was White. They pretty much were laughing at her tragedy and even made a song about it...mocking her. Joyner never apologized and the media ignored it despite the fact that it was heard coast to coast on ABC radio.

(Bethany is surfing for Rip Curl wetsuits today too by the way.)

Now compare Joyners fate with Imus, the smoking gun on double standards.


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