2011 - The Year We Take Back Congress and Make Obama's Life Hell!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Hey, Senator Joe Biden: Who's Your Campaign Manager,...

John Kerry???

Delaware Sen. Joe Biden jocularly received a verbal lashing Wednesday night on The Daily Show With Jon Stewart. Before The New York Observer interview in which Biden had strong words for New York Sen. Hillary Clinton and former Sen. John Edwards, and described Illinois Sen. Barack Obama as the first mainstream African-American presidential candidate and a "clean" guy, he told The Philadelphia Inquirer that the lesson he'd learned from his 1988 presidential run was that "words matter." Host Stewart reminded him of this lesson and advised Biden to "take a deep breath" and "count to 10" before speaking in the future. Biden apologized if he offended anyone, but stood by his position that Clinton and Edwards are wrong on Iraq.

The TrekMedic ponders:

Well,...at least Biden didn't plagiarize his remarks this time around!


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