2011 - The Year We Take Back Congress and Make Obama's Life Hell!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Republicans are Racists!


HT to AlexC at Three Sources for this look back at history! (Read it quickly, before the MSM comes up with their own version, blaming the Republicans again)

It's hard to add to this compendium of conservative bigotry.

Let's see just how racist conservatives are...

1. Emancipation Proclamation issued by...a Republican President.

2. Slavery abolished under...a Republican President and a Republican Congress.

3. Japanese interned under a Repub...no, wait...sorry, that was a Democrat.

4. (Percentage wise), more Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act than Democrats. They must've had some ulterior racist motive of which only they were aware.

There are 10 others...


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