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Monday, June 20, 2005

Addicted to Star Trek?

You Know You're Addicted to Star Trek When...

Your favorite drink: Tea, earl grey, hot

You can quote the name of every single episode just by watching the first 10 seconds of the introductory clip

You own 13 Star Trek Technical Manuals and Blue Print Schematics of all Starship but you no longer need them

When seeing a doctor, you're afraid of getting a shot and ask for a hypospray instead

Your electronic project: Positronic brain

You have 4 TVs at home and each of them are playing TOS, TNG, DS9 and VOY respectively 24 hours a day non-stop

You remembered the lock up code that Data uses on the Enterprise's Main Bridge before beaming down to meet Dr. Soong and Lore

You've learned playing the song "The Inner Light" with a penny whistle

After broken your neighbour's window, instead of just running away, you try to use the "Picard Maneuver" to escape

You're hosting a conference, your response to any suggestions: Make it so

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are addicted to Star Trek.

Get Your Own Addicted Meme Here

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At 5:27 PM, Blogger RagDoll said...

I sent this meme to my Star Trek Fiend of a friend!

According to the site, I am addicted to Lord Of The Rings, My Pressssshhioussss! (When they announced the making of the movies, I am sure the entire country heard my family groan.)

I am also well on my way to addicted to eBay meme...


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