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Saturday, May 21, 2005

Pancakes Anyone?

Ok,..I've promised to publish this for awhile now and frequent readers have been bugging me about it, so,...since I'm in a good mood today, here it is:

1 cup prepared pancake mix, like Aunt Jemima or Hungry Jack (But DON'T use Krusteaz!)
1 tsp cinnamon sugar (I have a secret spice mix version)
3/4 cup milk
1 egg

First, blend the mix and sugar together. Microwave the milk for about 30 secs. DON'T boil it, just get it warm. Add the egg and milk at the same time. Whisk together, but don't beat it to death, just blend until smooth. Let stand for about 2 minutes.

Cook on whatever grill or pan you normally use to make pancakes.

If you use a 1/4 cup scoop, you'll get 12-15 pancakes.


If you add blueberries, cut the milk down to 2/3 cup and microwave the berries for about 1 minute before adding.

If you add chocolate chips, keep the recipe the same, but cut back on the sugar mix

If you add apples, shred them on a grater and drain a little before adding. Increase the cinnamon sugar to taste.

I've also tried adding instant oatmeal, just add more milk and definitely let it boil before adding to the mix to cook the oats (unless you actually LIKE to grind away at your pancakes for 5 minutes!)


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